Other Services
Donor Egg Program

Egg donation is recommended in women who have:
- Primary ovarian failure
- Become menopausal, either naturally or as a result of surgery, radiation or chemotherapy
- Undergone repeated failed attempts at IVF due to poor embryo quality or failed fertilisation
- Failed to respond adequately to fertility drugs during IVF stimulation
- A history of repeated miscarriages A genetic disorder which could be passed on to their child

If you are a couple, we will try to match the physical characteristics of the male partner.Treatment involves fertilising donor eggs with sperm from the recipient’s partner and transferring the resulting embryos into the recipient’s womb. The recipient is put on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to allow her cycle to be synchronised to that of the donor and for the womb to be prepared to receive the embryos.
We would usually be able to find a suitable donor within 1 – 3 months of your first appointment. The Finney Hospital will liaise with a clinic in your region and carry out all the necessary blood tests and scans required for your treatment to minimise the number of trips to Accra. Their pregnancy rates are as high as 60% on the first attempt and feedback from our patients who have received treatment here has been very positive. The ACU will also provide all the counselling required before embarking on egg donation.