Financial Information
- Deposit
In order to cover your expenses, we require you to make a deposit before hospitalization. The Admission Officer will inform you of the amount on the day of you pre-admission meeting. This deposit must be submitted the day of admission.
During your hospitalization, if your account exceeds the initial deposit, you will be requested to pay the difference between the initial deposit and the current charges, as well as make a second deposit. If your charges exceed the amount deposited, please be informed that a member of the Finance Department will contact you to request another installment.

- Daily Room Charge
If your hospitalization is not part of a surgical package, daily room fees will apply. These fees include: 24-hour nursing care, 3 meals per day, in-room amenities (cable TV, nurse call system, en-suite bathroom, etc) and a selection of standard consumables (needles, syringes, etc).
- Daily Doctors’ Fees
A daily doctor’s fee is charged to your bill for each day spent in hospital. This covers the cost of medical care provided by the doctors and their assistants. If you are hospitalized with one of our 1600 packages (surgical or obstetrical), this fee is included in the package price for the number of nights stated.
- your bill
If you have any queries about your bill, or would like an itemized list of your charges, you can contact our Billing Office on the first floor behind the nurses’ station.